1. Someone hit my car.
- In the parking lot, I assume. They left a nice little dent and some paint above my front tire. No note. Thanks, jerk.
2. Someone almost hit me with their car.
- My walk to and from work can be somewhat treacherous at times, but this lady took the cake. She blared her horn at the car turning in front of her. That car was stopped in front of her because they were rightfully concerned about the people in the crosswalk - aka, me and three other people. The first car safely and appropriately turned. Right after that the walk sign turned green and the pedestrians started to cross the road. Crazy lady lurches forward AT us blaring her horn. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but since I started driving I have been under the impression that pedestrians have the right of way - especially when the little walking man says so. This woman must have missed that class. She is cursing us up and down inside of her car and honking as if we are a nuisance. I was the one closest to her car and I gave her a "What in the hell is wrong with you," look and pointed at the sign that gave us the right of way. She points right back at the same sign which made no sense at all. Then she hits the gas and lurches towards us again! I jumped to the side and kept walking as she peeled out and took off around the corner.
Shew! People in Lexington and their road rage! I'm glad it was your car and not you too!