Friday, June 5, 2009

Movin' on up - hand me on down

Three years ago when I started pharmacy school I had all of these grand ideas about what would happen when I graduated and I was "rolling in money."

Now I am 15 days away from graduation and money is not raining down on me like my imagination would lead me to believe. It turns out that moving is expensive. Licensing is expensive. And furnishing our empty townhouse is, well, really expensive.

So, Adam and I have done some shopping at the best store ever: my parents' house.

They have been ever so generous and we are able to furnish our new place with some of the old furniture that I grew up with that has since found its home in the basement. I am trying to keep an open mind and not be picky because in my head my new home was decorated like it came straight out of a Pottery Barn magazine. Now it will just take some creativity. Cheap creativity.

Most of the stuff is great. And then there is the pink floral living room set.

They are incredibly comfortable.

But they are pink.

And floral.

Anyone have any ideas on how to accessorize these bad boys and tone down the Pepto-ness?


  1. All I have to say is slip covers for the sofas!!! Good Luck!

  2. IKEA! slip covers are CUTE and cheap (my new favorite word as well). And, as always, Yard sale it up once you get to Kentucky!

  3. Well my idea was slip covers also. I have a couch my my boyfriends great grandmother in the living room and it has a beautiful slip cover and you can never tell. Also Old Time Pottery is great!! They always have wonderful deals..

  4. I was also going to say slip cover! lol, looks like the popular choice. When you get to Kentucky, I'm sure there will be some good thrift store and antique stores (although antique doesn't always mean cheap). Next suggestion...Target!
