Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lessons learned

I taught my first class today. To students. Real live students.

As a perpetual student and a person generally not afraid to speak in public I thought it would be no big deal. However, when you speak to students as a teacher, you notice things that may have never crossed your mind before.
  • No one cares.
  • It gets freaky quiet when you have 40 blank faces staring at you.
  • No one cares.
  • You can hear the whispering from the back of the classroom even though the students think they are uber sneaky.
  • No one cares.
  • The jokes you tell aren't as funny in real life as they were when you were practicing in front of the mirror.
  • No one cares.
  • The right speaking speed becomes hyperspeed.
  • No. One. Cares.
Teaching is tough. The clock becomes your nemesis as you are fully aware that each 'tick tock' brings the class closer to its end and the students get anxious to leave . Cell phones are an evil invention - brick breaker and texting are way more important than your lecture on skin care.

Someone did ask me a question. "Excuse me, Dr. Moody....." If I were sitting down I would have fallen out of my chair. The whole 'Dr.' thing is still new and somewhat uncomfortable - Just last year I was in their shoes.

In the end, I survived and no one threw tomatoes at me or booed. Success!

1 comment:

  1. ooooo ---- ahhhhh --- yikes ---- makes my palms sweat just thinking about it. Good job!
