Deming takes of running after something in the apartment - probably nothing. I mean, she chases her own tail. She's not the brightest.
I think she wants to play so I chase her. She's making chirping noises in the kitchen. I was thinking that it was the worst game of hide and seek ever.
Turns out, she doesn't want to play with me. She's content playing with this giant arachnid on the floor:
Here is a list of things I do:
- Scream for assistance if I see an 8-legged creature
- Become nauseous thinking about said creature
- Cover my ears and scrunch my face up while someone squishes the invader
- Run away and wait for someone to magically dispose of it
What I don't do:
- Kill spiders
Adam was not around to flex his man muscles and save me from this mess, so tonight I had three options: let it run free throughout my apartment, capture it, or kill it.
Option one was just ridiculous.
Option two seemed good so I grabbed a plastic cup and cried while I played capture the spider. I felt better for about a second and then realized that I had to proceed to option three - there was no way I was leaving that thing under a cup for the rest of the night.
My weapons of choice were a shoe and a few curse words that would make George Carlin blush. Of course I didn't use my shoe. (Tee hee, sorry Adam.)
That spider has since moved on to a "better place."
I'm going to go throw up now.
Bri- I'm right with you. I was a camp counselor for three summers and I still can't handle spiders. I woke Don up at 2am last night to kill a giant spider in our laundry room-just can't do it. YUCK!
ReplyDeleteI would have passed the F out.
That's not a's an animal.