Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sea of red

No, not this sea of red (though I will be seeing that in about a month).

I'm talking about the wave of red stupidity that flowed out of my purse today.

When I left clinic today I was in a hurry. Something dripped on my pants after I stepped outside. Like an idiot I looked up to the clear blue, cloudless sky wondering where it was coming from. I spun around in a circle looking for the drippy culprit. Then I figured it out. Possibly the dumbest thing I have done in a while. I forgot to put the lid on my gatorade before I put it in my purse. Sweet.

Red gatorade poured through the bottom of my purse onto my tan pants. My first instinct was to hold it away from me and watch the liquid trickle out. Then I thought, "There is stuff in my purse I should probably save." I must have looked asinine laying a drippy red wallet and a semi-soaked calendar out on the sidewalk. Then I remembered my phone. Oh crap, my phone!! You know, the electronic device that doesn't like to be submerged? Yeah, that thing. In my urgency to pull it out of the wet mess, it flew out of my hand and hit the cement. Somehow the thing still worked, but it was sticky and it didn't open so well. Oops.

Way to go, me.

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