Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do we have __________?

Right now our townhouse is looking pretty darn spiffy. Most things are in their rightful place. We even splurged on a couch cover as evidenced in the photo below.

Let it be noted that this couch cover shifts every time you sit on or even just look at it. I am always adjusting it back into place, but it still beats the pepto. The chairs are still a work in progress...

I am now at the point where I find myself looking for things that I know we had at some point along the way. Things that are not hugely important, but could really help out. An air pump to inflate a basketball, for example. Why would I have just thrown that away? No idea, but now we don't have one. Same goes for the food strainer. Who on earth knows where that went.

What we do have on the other hand, are two irons. Because that seems necessary. Oh, and THREE hair straighteners. I have a feeling I am going to be making a phone call to my mom tomorrow asking her if I was a kleptomaniac when I left their house.

There are some things that we don't have yet, nor have we ever owned. Like patio furniture. We have a glorious deck with nothing to put on it.

The other day I got desperate and dragged one of the pink living room chairs out there. I am nothing but a classy lady.

Sooner or later we'll get around to buying the stuff we need and getting rid of one of the irons... unless me and Adam decide to get wild and crazy and have a head-to-head ironing competition. Then we'll be set.

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