Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's been a while

So so much has happened over the past several months I don't even know where to start, but there will be some blogs coming soon explaining my lack of posts.... stay tuned.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Words of wisdom

I entered the room, prescription directions in hand. Two 80-something year old men occupied the tiny room. I veered to the left to speak with the lucky gentleman who was getting to go home on Saturday and possibly salvage what was left of the weekend.

"Do you mind if I take a seat next to you while I explain your medications?" I asked.

"Only if you keep your hands to yourself," he smiled.

I promised him I would be on my best behavior and started into my med education lecture. "Your doctor has only given you one medication to take home today. It has hydrocodone and tylenol in it and it should help with the pain." Quickly assessing the surgical scar on his neck, I assumed he'd be thrilled.

"You can keep it, I don't need that stuff," he stated.

"Yeah, my fiance hates that stuff too. He says it always makes him feel worse," I said referring to Adam who would rather suffer through pain than take a Lortab.

"Fiance?" the two men said almost in unison. They looked at each other and laughed, sharing a secret of which I wasn't aware.

The patient placed a hand on my shoulder. "Miss, my wound will heal - I don't need medication for that - but a fiance is one pain that you can never get rid of." The patient across the room emphatically nodded.

Thanks for the hot tip, guys. ;)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have you seen it?

Since the engagement, I have lost my mind. At the very least, the parts of my mind that allowed me to be a fully functioning member of the human race have gone into hibernation.

I have become a moron.

From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to sleep, I think about wedding planning. This leaves little time during the day to remember how to do things such as walk up the stairs properly (without falling) or park in the parking garage (without hitting big, green, support columns). And yes, I have done both.

Normally I am the one who has the common sense. Not so much any more. Last night, after I took a bath and had drained the tub, Deming decided she wanted to investigate the empty, semi-wet bathtub. Adam says to me, "What do you think would happen if I turned on the spa jets?" Normally I would have said, "No way. Do NOT turn on those jets." This time, I say, "I dunno, try it." He pushed the button and from 4 different directions, a combination of not just air, but loud water and air sprayed the cat. We had a soaking wet cat who couldn't get traction on the slippery tub to get out and she was pissed. Why on earth would I have said ok to that?

Today I lost my contact waaaaaaay up in my eyelid while at Target. Not sure how that happens. My eye was tearing up like crazy and I was blindly trying to find it with no luck. I looked at Adam and said, "HELP ME!" He looked confused (and rightfully so). I'm not even quite sure what I expected him to do. Was he supposed to dig around in my eye in the glassware aisle?

At this rate, I am afraid that I may forget to put on pants in the morning before work or may attempt to put two pairs on. I may need (daily) gentle reminders to keep me in line. Hopefully soon enough I will get back to normal and no longer have to ask "What on earth did I just do that for?"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The engagement story

December 25, 2009: Christmas paper strewn across the living room, I thought all of the gift-giving was done for the day. Adam disappeared upstairs and brought back down with him a several pairs of Christmas socks and underneath those was a stack of ring pamphlets. He asked me if I would help give him some ideas for a certain sparkly purchase he was looking to make. I was ecstatic. Not long after that we went shopping together and we found a ring I loved.

Then I waited.

I was looking forward to January 22nd. We have erratic schedules that don't allow us much time off together and it was the first day off that we were going to have off together since Thanksgiving. Clearly (in my head) it was the perfect opportunity to pop the question. I was ready - hair straightened, makeup on, cute outfit. The weekend came and went. No proposal. It was quite funny, really; how "ready" I was for something that was never specifically slated to occur over that weekend.

Fast forward to the weekend of February 6th. From beginning to end Saturday was the perfect day starting with couples massages and ending with a lovely dinner, Wii boxing, and watching Ultimate Fighting. (Yes, I actually enjoy Ultimate Fighting.) I could not have asked for a better day, but still no proposal.

Sunday morning started off like many other Sunday mornings have begun by making breakfast together. We made a big hash brown and eggs meal and then sat in the living room to catch up on our DVRed shows.

After we ate, we were finishing up How I Met Your Mother and he asked, "How was breakfast?"

"Good," I replied.

"You wanna do this again some time?" he asked.

"Sure, see you in two weeks," I laughed.

The next thing I knew, he was on his knee with the ring asking, "How about for the rest of our lives?"

I never thought I would be the type to cry when I was proposed to. Yeah, I was so very wrong about that assumption. Adam says I turned shades of red he had never seen before as I just sobbed and nodded.

When I imagined the proposal in my head, it did not involve pajamas, messy hair, and no makeup. Turns out, I wouldn't have it any other way. It was absolutely perfect.